So if you read my previous post, you know that I went to bed around 3:30 on Saturday morning. I woke up and could barely swallow and was still coughing. At that point, it was kind of gray outside, so I just assumed it was raining again. I hopped on facebook to message LeeAnna about a doctor she had told me about who spoke some English and someone messaged me, "Why are you awake?" and I noticed it was actually 6:30. I tried to sleep again and woke up at 9 and decided to go on a bike ride. I wanted to test it out when there weren't too many people out and 9 am on Saturdays is definetly a good time to do it. I made it to the river without any problems (although I almost got hit by a car, but that wasn't my fault). Then I tried to find the lake, but I didn't. Instead I saw some tree farms. Then I turned around and went back towards the river. On the way back I almost got run over by a real bike gang - matching jackets and everything. I noticed a bunch tents being put up but had no idea why. I later found out there was a marathon or other run. I rode for about an hour and came back a little after 10.

Tree -lined road well above the river |
Arbor of some sort - grapes maybe? |
View of the river from the high trail overlooking a tree farm |
Pink azealas along the stairs on the main bike path |
Yellow flowers between the bike and walking paths along the river |
Red azaleas on another stairwell...there's a white one too, but they weren't in full bloom yet |
Not sure what these are, flox maybe, but they smell awesome |
Man walking up the bike path next to the purple flowers |
LeeAnna had sent me a message that she and John were going to an ear, nose and throat doctor and that John would translate for me if I wanted to go with them. So I hopped in the shower and met then at 11ish.
Orchid on my building's patio while waiting for LeeAnna and John |
On the way there, we almost missed our bus stop. LeeAnna ran out the door and her purse got stuck while John and I were still on the bus. John asked the driver (in Korean obviously) to open the door and let us off, well John hopped off and as I was getting out right behind him, the driver shut the door. On my head. Well I guess it was technically my neck because my head was outside and my body was inside. It didn't really hurt, but was scary because I thought he was going to go and highly embarassing. But he opened the door and I jumped out and just had 2 black marks on either side of my neck.
We walked into the office and see lots of little kids. Then we debated about whether it was a pediatrician's office or not. John helped us fill out information cards and the receptionist had to look us up in the directory. Apparently they can't just look us up by our ARC (Alien Registration Card) numbers, but have to go by our names...our "Korean" names. LeeAnna's name ends up being Joann Lee and I turn in to "Lion Hangman" because they don't really have "r" sounds and "c" sounds like "g" here. Then one of my Korean co-workers (the one who works part-time) came in as well. She has been sick too I guess. We said hi, then got called in the back. The doctor was very nice and spoke English pretty well. John went first and was given some allergy medicine. The LeeAnna went. The doctor used a camera and tube thing to look in her ears and up her nose - both were displayed on a video screen that John and I could see so it was kind of fun. She got allergy medicine too. I went last - I didn't get the up the nose video thankfully. Apparently, I am on the tail end of a cold - just a really bad one. My throat hurts because of 3 weeks of drainage and coughing. So he perscribed me an antibiotic of some sort, a decongestant and a cough suppressant. As we went to check out, there was a question as to whether or not I had insurance. I am supposed to be covered by my school, and it should be on my ARC but it wasn't. So I was cataloged as "uninsured" and was somewhat nervous about the cost which turned out to be...$12. I was like, that's cheaper than my co-pay when I was insured. The drugs - 5 days worth of pills to be taken 3 times a day...$18. I am still going to ask my boss about insurance though in case something big happens. The pharmacy lady was very nice (and conviently located under the doctor's office). Oddly, she was LeeAnna's principal's sister - small world - even in Korea. They give you the medicine in little daily pouches, so everything is easy to follow. Although I'm not sure I would have known what to do without John's help.
After getting drugs, we decided to go have lunch. The 2 of them like to eat and have been many places in Jinju so started me on their "Food Tour of Jinju". We went to a little place called Beans Farm. They have cute gnome pillows and comfy chairs. It's a nice place because they do breakfast or lunch - kind of like a nice Denny's. I got a strawberry yogurt shake (aka smoothie) and the pancake sampler platter - 4 pancakes: banana/walnut (bananas are gross), plain (good), blueberry (very good) and cheese (awesome). It was almost like a blintz. I knew there would be a banana pancake on the plate, but wanted to try all the others, so it was worth a throw away. John and LeeAnna split a huge sampler plate with eggs, hashbrowns and sausages (including a hotdog). While we were there, a student of John's came in and sat with us. He takes pictures with a U2 and flies planes in the Korean Air Force. John asked for cups of hot water so we could all take our medicine (which they want us to eat 30 minutes after eating). John and I both had the cough suppressant medicine which is a liquid in little pouches. It tastes like bananas so I think it's a bit nasty, but it could be worse so I'm not complaining (well I guess I am, but not a lot).
Then we walked around for awhile and went to the cupcake store. It is a very cute place. LeeAnna had a red velevt cupcake and I had a mocha one.
Cupcake display window |
Then we walked around some more and they showed me a thrift shop and a shoe store. After walking, we bused back home, I got a bottle of water, and promptly fell asleep for 4 hours. So much for cleaning for my mom's visit which was the original Saturday plan, and thus the title of the post. Guess I'll have to clean later!
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