In my last post, I mentioned that we were practicing for a volleyball tournament on the weekend. One of the players wasn't able to come, so Dallas asked if I'd play. I checked with my other friend to make sure I wasn't bailing on her and decided to play. I woke up at 6am to get showered and meet Dallas. Then we met Emma and Johnny at the bus station and all rode the bus together to Busan. I asked if anyone could French braid and do my hair so it'd be out of my face during the games. Dallas tried for 10 seconds and gave up. Then Emma tried. Her attempt was ok and I just decided to leave it - also I ended up wearing Dallas's hat for most of the day anyway. Still it was fun having her do my hair on the bus.
Awful picture of me, but it captures her doing my hair pretty well. |
We got to Busan then had to take the subway for about 45 minutes to the
beach area. We got some snacks and waters and headed over to the
tournament. 24 teams registered, so they had games staggered every 30
minutes in a double elimination pattern. Each match was best of 3 sets,
each set was 15 points, or whoever had the highest score at the end of
30 minutes. Our first game was at 11:30, so we practiced for a little
bit, then took a break. The first team we played was very nice, but not
good at all and we beat them pretty easily. We had another 30 minute
break before our next match, so we rested, chatted with some people and
practiced for a little bit. Johnny started feeling feverish at that
point, so he sat down while Emma, Dallas and I practiced. One of the
event organizers is an English teacher at a university and he was giving
extra credit to students who spoke to English people. So of course one
girl requested that Dallas talk to her, so she sort of joined our group
for a little while. Her name was Beth and she's majoring in English, but
doesn't know what she wants to do yet.
Johnny and Emma after our first game. Emma is one of those annoying people who can't take a bad picture, but who's nice so you can't get mad at her about it. |
Dallas and Emma practicing between games |
After another mini practice, we lost the second match in the third
set 17-15. It was a really good match, but still sort of depressing
since it was so close. Then we won the next 2 matches against one decent
team and one not so decent team. Liezle and her friend Mark showed up
at that point and watched our last game - which we lost. That team had 1
bad player, but the other 3 were awesome. They ended up coming in
second place in the entire tournament. Dallas was really nice during the
competition and didn't yell at anyone and he seemed happy. I wish I was
better, but at least I can serve ok.
When we got
knocked out of the tournament, we decided to go to lunch because we were
all starving. We cabbed over to another beach area and had lunch at a
place called Sharky's. We ordered lots of food and beers and stayed
there for around an hour or so. Cindy met us there and showed us some
pictures of the fish market where she was earlier in the day.
Dallas and me at lunch |
My lunch was a skillet with egg white, veggies, potatoes and avocado |
Then we went to Cold Stone for ice cream and walked to the beach. We
took "team pictures" there, then Dallas got really silly and wanted to
swing people around. After that Emma said she had never made a human
pyramid so we decided to do that because we had enough people. One thing
I confirmed is that I make a decent human pyramid base.
Group high five |
Team self portrait |
Pyramid with Emma on top. She was really excited about it. |
Dallas on top doing his victory dance. |
First pyramid before we told Cindy to climb on top |
Johnny tried to get up, but Cindy and Liezle couldn't hold it together |
Dallas swinging Emma around |
This is how that ended...eating sand. |
Our team name was Vicious and Delicious, which was pointed out to us later that it shortened to VD - this is the lower case d. |
Here's the version with the capital D. |
After playing on the beach, Liezle and her friend went to meet up
with another group of people for drinks and dinner. Emma and Johnny
decided to go home because he wasn't feeling well. Dallas, Cindy and I
walked around for awhile trying to find a decent (and decently priced)
motel. Then we relaxed for a bit, showered and got dressed to go out. I
had Cindy do my hair and it felt like playing beauty parlor in third
grade. Still I like when other people fix my hair. We went to the KSU
(university) area and had dinner at 700 beer, where we split 2 salads - a
fruit salad that had a vanilla dressing on it and tasted a little like
an orange julius and a spicy chicken salad. Then we went to Thursday
party and played 3 rounds of darts - I won 2 and Dallas won 1.
How Cindy did my hair from the back. We practiced a couple of different ways, but I don't have enough hair to make most of them look good. |
came and met us there and Dallas went home because he was exhausted.
Liezle was pretty tipsy at that point. Cindy ordered a hazelnut beer,
which is a regular draft beer that they add hazelnut syrup to and it
ends up tasting similar to a cream soda. We played pick up sticks with
some dried spaghetti sticks and then moved on to another bar called
Evas. It was pretty boring there, but luckily I had Cindy to talk to and
we caught up on some stuff. Then we went outside and got kebabs - I'm
glad I did because I was starving and would have felt sick otherwise.
After street kebabs, we went to a dance club called the Blue Monkey. I
didn't really like the club because they pump smoke on the dance floor
which annoys me. The music was ok and Cindy and I danced for awhile.
Liezle would randomly join us, then another group of friends, then come
back to us. We left and took a cab back home around 1:30 and I fell
asleep immediately.
At Thursday party. This is probably the last picture the 3 of us will take together because Liezle leaves in 2 weeks and we aren't all getting together again before she leaves. Plus this is most likely the last year for me and Cindy as well. |
When we woke up and got ready the next morning, we took
our time. We watched parts of some movies and Cindy did my hair again - I
told Dallas to watch so that he could do it later. We couldn't decide
on a place, so we ended up going to a meat buffet called Self Bar. It's a
chain and there is one in Jinju, but I haven't been to that one yet.
The food was pretty good, but I actually like the random Army guy's
place better. After lunch we went to H&M where Dallas and Cindy each
bought some clothes. I try to help both of them not spend money so I
had to watch each of them. The best part was when Dallas came out of the
dressing room and he looked like George Michael from a Wham! video. It
was awesome.
Then we went and got coffees, in part to use the bathroom
and in part for the coffee. We crossed the street and went to American
Apparel where everything is ridiculously priced. Cindy left at that
point because she was taking a train home and needed to make sure she
got a ticket. Dallas and I walked around for a little while longer and
stopped to get his hair cut. Because he had it styled, I wore his hat.
He took a picture and put it on instagram where one of his friends said I
looked like a gangster, which made me laugh. Then we took a bus home
and I was able to lay down along the whole back seat and on Dallas. I
fell asleep for most of the trip and it was one of the best bus rides
ever - I need to get the whole back more often!
A woman next to Dallas getting a perm from an octopus. |
Standing on the street - one of the few pictures of us together where I like both of our faces |
When we got back to Jinju, we made a quick eMart run and dropped off
some stuff at my house, then went to Dallas's. He made us grilled cheese
and avocado sandwiches. They were really good except that he couldn't
remember how to properly cut an avocado, plus they had been refrigerated
so they were hard. While we were eating, we skyped a friend of ours and
talked for a bit. Then we had our Sunday night walk. Dallas went and
got us coffees while I went home and took out my contacts. Then we went
and returned a movie he had rented and walked home along the river. I
really like those times with him - even if he runs and I walk and we
only walk home together. It's very peaceful along the river at night and
it's a good ending to the weekend.
Bridge near our houses that's strung up with lanterns for Buddha's birthday (which is in 2 weeks) |
I had an incredible weekend. I'm so glad I got to hang out with Emma and
Johnny, who I really like, and to see Liezle and Cindy. I like when I
get to be with a group of my favorite people all at once, especially
when we do something fun and have just about perfect weather. These weekends are why it's so hard to think about coming home.
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