I am in the process of writing a post about details from last week, but for now, I'll tell you about yesterday (Saturday). I asked Krista if she wanted to go to the beach with me. Neither of us had been to this beach - it's called Namildae and is in Samchempo which is about a 45 minute bus ride away. I got directions from my friend Todd and we hopped on the bus at just after 10 in the morning. We took a quick cab ride to the beach and immediately were asked by a guy if we wanted an umbrella. Krista did and it was $10 for an umbrella and a mat. Then we sat and talked for a long time. A family from church showed up and we talked to them for a little while, then we decided to get in the water and test it out.
View of the beach from the left side - the zipline is above |
My feet on our mat and the lighthouse behind them. When we first got there, hardly anyone was at the beach and only 2 people were in the water. Perfect for picture taking! |
This was about as crowded as it got that day. This was around 1-1:30 in the afternoon. |
The weather
and water temperature were perfect for me. The water wasn't as clear as
the water in Namhae, but it had less seaweed and trash. We swam out a
little ways, then decided to come back in an rent tubes. The tubes were
$5 for the day and were a smart purchase because we floated in the water
for over an hour. We also swam out to some buoys. There was a zipline
set up over the beach, but it didn't seem worth the money to do it.
After floating for a long time, we got out and ate ramen - because what
else would you eat at the beach? After lunch, we walked down both sides
of the beach. First we walked down this path that had rocks and tide
pools. Then we climbed some stone steps and saw a harbor on the other
side of the bay.
Some rocks near some tide pools. We walked out to them, but some of the rocks were covered with bugs, so we didn't take too many pictures and left quickly. |
We tried to walk out to this little cave looking thing, but this is where the path ended. It also ended in a giant spiderweb so we didn't go out onto the rocks. |
Harbor on top of the stone steps |
Giant pile of muscle shells near a garden. Maybe compost? |
Random garden |
Then we walked to the other side to see the lighthouse.
There was a path there, but we couldn't walk on it because people were
doing construction on it to fix part of it. Hopefully it will be fixed
by the next time I go (because I will!).
Shaky bridge. I was actually ok crossing this one. Probably because it wasn't that high and there was water under it that I could see into. |
Tiny lighthouse |
After our walk, we went back in
the water for another 30-45 minutes. Krista had stubbed her toe really
bad and wanted to wash it out in the salt water. While we were out there, we saw some jumping fish. I sort of wanted one to jump out and hit one of us so we'd have a fun story to tell, but I also kind of didn't want that to happen. It didn't. The closest one was about 2 yards away. Then we went back to
our mat and read for awhile. Krista went to the shower and changed, but I
decided to just wait until I got home to take a shower in my own
bathroom (plus I hadn't brought clothes to change into). We got lucky
and a cab was right there when we finished washing our feet off. He
wasn't going to let us in originally because he thought we were wet, but
neither of us were because I had totally dried off in the sun.
Me and the beach. |
Nemo drawing on the sidewalk |
Krista on a pile-on near a sort of dock thing. There were some guys learning how to scuba dive near there. It looked like an awful place to dive, but I guess they were having fun. |
caught a bus home and were back around 7:30. It was great day and I
enjoyed spending some time with her outside of dance class. I also really liked the beach and am glad that it's fairly close and easy to get to. I will definitely go again.
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