This morning I slept in then went for a walk. I have figured out how to get home once I find "main street", although sometimes I can't always tell if it's "main street" until I see a store I recognize. Today I decided to walk back near the trail I went on earlier this week. I didn't go the same way though, because I wanted to see if I could get home if I sort of "lost" myself - turns out I can (although to be fair, I was never really lost). It was really cold today and I wish I brought the hat Jeff gave me for Christmas, but I didn't, so I had to make do with a hoodie. Along one of the back walls there are all kinds of paintings. I don't know if families painted these, or if it was a school project or what, but some of them are really nice. I took lots of pictures, but am only posting a few now (maybe I'll post some others on a slow picture day).
I also walked up part of the path we walked up yesterday. There was a sign for some tombs, which I think are these ones:
Tombs of Mr. and Mrs. Jeong Seol |
I don't know if these were famous people (although Google and Wikipedia came up with nada), or just people who had rich kids or what. I don't think it's the temple I posted the other day, because it said the tombs were 900 m, and while I am not good at judging distances, I know the temple was more than 900 m from the sign. I didn't take any pictures of grass mound tombs today because the path I took didn't have any good ones. I did take a picture of this scarecrow though:
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