Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kids essays - Part 5 - Summer edition

I thought I posted this about a month ago - whoops.

So during the summer one good/bad thing is that kids don't write essays. It's good because I don't have to grade them. It's bad because I don't get to read the hilarious things they write. However, here are a few things that did happen over the summer.

One day in class we were talking about exercise. I asked if they knew what sit-ups were and a few kids said it was how to get a chocolate stomach. I was like, "what?" One kid knew the "American" term six-pack. Apparently in Korea, a six-pack is called a "chocolate stomach" or "chocolate abs" because they look like a Hersey bar (that grid pattern).

One class had to draw pictures and then explain the drawings so that another kids could draw the same picture. Here are 3 of the drawings that I thought were funny.
This is a picture done by Mary, a super smart, cute kid. That's Jacob (one of my favorite kids in the school), me, and me when I was younger (aka I think teacher at child time).
This is Jacob's self portrait. It was funny because I did a drawing which was the backgroud of this picture with sheep instead of Jacob. He saw my picture, drew himself then copied the rest.

This is a picture of Toby, done by his little sister, Laura. It was funny because I also have Toby in another class. I'm not really sure what all the flags are supposed to be, maybe golf?

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