Yesterday I had to give an oral exam (aka speaking test) to my youngest class, about kindergarten age. While I ask each kid questions, I have to give the other kids something to do or they go crazy. The class started out with 4 kids, which was managable. Now there are 9. This week we're studying bigger, faster, smaller, slower with animals. So I told them to draw their favorite animals. Some of the kids gave me their drawings and now I share them with you:
Rabbit by Hannah |
Pig by Mary |
Horse by Jimmy |
Horse by Bill |
The last picture was drawn by a kid named Bill. He reminds me of Jeff, except that he's Korean. He's short, has glasses and is smart, but doesn't really care about what's going on. He will write in his answers really fast, then sort of wander off and draw on other pages while everyone else finishes their work. He has the cutest little grin and you just want to squeeze him. Unlike Jeff though, he does his homework.
These pictures are really good- especially the pig.