Monday, August 1, 2011

Movie weekend review

The past week was the first time I've really had homesickness here. True there are things that I've missed since day one (DIET COKE) but you kind of get used to that. Last week was my family's beach week and this year more than usual went along. My family goes all out on things and this year was no exception what with family feud, the usual bocce and baggo tournaments and 50s night. I was able to Skype with them several times and I know they missed me even though I got the comments "do you shower" from my mother and "I can smell you from over here" from my brother. However they showed their love by having a "life-sized" head of me on a stick which was included in pictures (and one time put in the freezer), but it's not the same as being there. I don't think it would have bothered me as much if Jeff and a few others weren't there, but it felt like it was just me who was missing.

So to combat my homesickness, I decided to have a movie marathon weekend. This decision was aided by the fact that most of my friends were out of town for various reasons (rock festival, vacation, bday party etc.). On Friday night Cindy and I saw:
Captian America: It's called "The first avenger" here and the guy got confused when Cindy first asked for tickets. It was pretty good. I don't know a whole lot about Captain America's story, but he had the shield and the motorcycle and stuff got blown up, so you know, all good for me.
Over Saturday and Sunday (and a few days during the week) I watched the following:
He's just not that into you - I hadn't seen it before and I actually quite enjoyed it, although it felt a wee bit predictable in that even the "honest" guy eventually falls to the happy ending stereotype.
Bridesmaids - very good movie. Someone told me it was like the "hangover" for girls, and while I disagree (because the Hangover was hilarious) this movie had some really funny scenes plus some touching ones. And Kristin Wigg didn't annoy me as she often does on SNL.
Bad Teacher - not that good, but there were a couple of funny parts (like dodgeball and pretty much any scene with Jason Segel). Cameron Diaz was a bit lame and Justin Timberlake's character was just creepy.
Horrible Bosses - somewhat disappointing because of the great cast list, but Kevin Spacey was awesome as usual and again there were some funny parts. Charlie Day stole it for me because he's just like he is on It's Always Sunny but as little more normal (and clean).
Red Riding Hood - stupid but the 2 main guys are pretty hot and now I will watch movie that they're in
Hanna - very good, also creepy because what child knows how to kill people like that. Eric Bana is lovely as always and Cate Blanchett was disturbing as the CIA agent. Chemical Brothers soundtrack added to the movie made all the running much more enjoyable.
How do you know - again predictable, but I like everyone in the cast - Paul Rudd, Reese Witherspoon and Owen Wilson, so it held my attention ok. I definetly like the banter b/t Rudd and Witherspoon the best.
I am Number Four - this was probably actually one that I enjoyed more than I thought I would. It was fast paced, with enough cool special effects and backstory mixed together that I didn't feel super confused or bored. Plus the main guy is again, pretty hot.

So all in all it was a pretty worthless weekend although I did catch up on some sleep and got a bunch of movies that I eventually wanted to see out of the way. I need weekends like this every once and awhile, and the timing on this one was pretty good.

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