Sunday, February 24, 2013

Game weekend

After school on Friday, I went to Dallas's and we played 3 games of Catan - one Cities and Knights and 2 seafarers. He beat me on both seafarers games, but I've still got the most overall wins. While we played, we listened to 90s pop playlists on 8tracks, which is a really good website for finding new music, especially since we can't use Pandora here. We also drank champagne (he had mimosas and I mixed mine with a weird apple fruit punch thing) and talked about stuff. Then, I broke out the Girl Scout cookies and we ate a sleeve of shortbreads! I also knocked over a wine glass and we had to pause the game to pick up glass shards. Luckily it was a cheap one.
Dallas drinking out of a Mason jar since he broke the other wine glass 2 weeks ago.
On Saturday morning we woke up and went to Paris Baguette for breakfast where we went Korean and ate salads. Dallas got massage coupons for Christmas and gave me one as a belated birthday present, so the two of us went to the same Thai place for massages. They put us together again, but this time instead of being somewhat soothing, they were painful. Mine especially. She really used her elbow to work out knots and now I have 3 bruises on my legs and arm. It was still nice though. It's funny watching them sometimes because clearly I am not a bendy person and he is so they do weird stretches with Dallas that they don't do with me. I think this time my lady actually tried. She had me sit cross-legged on the table and put my hands on my head (like you're being arrested). Then she looped her arms through mine and pulled me backwards onto her knees. She kept telling me to relax, but unless I know what they are going to attempt to do, I can't relax. So I think she just gave up. Dallas's lady swung him around like a ragdoll while I drank green tea and watched. After massages we went and had coffee, then went home.

He went home and took a nap. I went home and got things done - cleaned my kitchen, swept, made my bed, organized my dresser and chair/desk, did laundry and took a shower. Then studied and cleaned up some pictures and organized this blog.

A little before 5, I left and went to pick up some board games from Ilani because she was really sick and wasn't going to be able to bring them with her later in the evening. I then met Kyeong He and we went to Emart to get supplies for game night at IEC. I was in charge of the event and semi-stressed about it because I don't like things I can't control and when people don't respond, or respond and don't show etc. I get anxious. She calmed me down some and helped me buy snacks. Then we got some pizza slices and had dinner in the food court. The funniest part was that an old Korean lady sat next to her and stared at use the whole time. She kept telling us how to eat and where to put our trash and stuff. I'm used to being stared at, but I think it made Kyeong He feel awkward. Amanda showed up to get some food too, so I introduced them, but then we had to leave to go set up.

We got to the church around 6:30 and Corinne, Brandon and another girl named Victoria were there already. We moved some tables around and then just sort of chatted and waited for people to show up. Brandon had a really bad cold and was jet lagged, so he ended up leaving fairly early and just gave me his keys to lock up. One of the deacons came, but he just bought us some mandu (dumplings) then left really early too, as well as another guy. So it ended up being a group of 8 (3 Koreans, 5 foreigners) and we played 5 or 6 rounds of Uno, then 4 or 5 games of Sequence (which none of us had played before but was a really fun game). Then everyone except me, Dallas and Amanda left, so the three of us stayed and we introduced Amanda to Catan; and converted another one! At that point it was almost midnight and I was getting paranoid about locking up and cleaning, so we gathered everything up and cleaned a bit then left.

I got messages from 3 of the people who attended and they all had fun, so even though it was small, game night did basically what it was supposed to do - bring some new people together for a night of fun. Not sure when the next one will be, but sometime in the next month or so.

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