Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have always been a list person. I blame my mother because when we were younger, we got a chore list every weekend. We knew what had to be done based on what we had on the list. We also had a grocery list which was why it was sometimes awesome to go shopping with my dad because he bought sugar cereals which were not list approved!

My point is that I have random lists scattered around my house. Some are important (addresses, things I need to watch/buy/listen to/read). Others not so much. If I don't have time to write a post about a trip or weekend (ahem - mom's Seoul trip), I make a quick list of what I remember so that I can go back to it later.

When I went to visit Jeff and we went to the ballgame, I made a list of songs that were turned into chants. As I was writing the post, I knew I had a list somewhere and it was driving me nuts because I couldn't find it. Turns out, it was in the front pocket of my purse, ironically to be kept safe.

So, while I listed some songs on the post (see here), I forgot to include the following 3 songs:
Oh Susannah
The Mexican hat dance
A do run run

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