Everyone told me not to expect anything for Christmas; that there wouldn't be decorations or lights etc. I think they were wrong (although I've been told that this year was much different from last year). Just about every church had lights up. They make some sort of tree - either on top of the church, or from above the door and down to the ground. Our church had a huge light tree and some other lights. It was really pretty. Christmas music also played in many stores. There were decorations in the movie theaters, in grocery stores and in food places too. It made me feel a little more at home. True, it wasn't as over the top as it is in the States, but that was almost better. Malls etc. at home are totally crowded and sometimes have too much Christmas crap to actually enjoy it. The fact that N'Sync's "Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday" made me tear up in the grocery store meant that I appreciated it more than usual.
Here are some other things that happened before/around Christmas. I will tell you about Christmas Eve/Day in another post.
Christmas tree donut from Dunkin' Donuts. It was not good. They also had a snowman (good) and a stocking (good on authority as I didn't actually try that one) |
My decorations. Some card holders (on the ends), a really stupid (so awesome) ornament, and a moose. |
Konglish Christmas cards! I sent this to either Ann or Sara. Jealous? You should be. |
This one went to the other cousin. This one is great because it makes absolutely no sense at all. |
Inside of a card. I don't think I actually sent this one to anybody. So pretend like I sent it to you now. |
My church's lights (photo stolen from Ilani's facebook) |
Tree in Waining coffee. Seriously, what says "Christmas" more than a reindeer (? possibly a moose) in a mid-drift top? |
Waining's logo. Sort of like Bojangle's but in a Korean accent. Their chai-tea lattes are awesome. Plus we got double card punches for Christmas. |
Tree on top of one church that you can see from my bedroom. |
This was the best I could get of both trees without leaning out my window. And that wasn't happening. |
Cookies for Santa (that I ate in about 20 minutes). The mini pecan pie was from a student. The chocolates were from Caroline. The thumb print cookies were from one of our Korean co-workers, Ha. It was the first time she had ever made cookies. They were really good. Also, don't forget the Cappuccino - it's Denmark's finest. |
Donkey from Shrek outside of a bar covered with purple lights. I know this is for Christmas because they usually just have Spiderman above the door. This was new. |
Cindy, Liezle and I at Parnell Road coffee. We did a gift exchange/dinner before Cindy went home for Christmas. It was a nice night. Cindy and I gave each other earrings, we both gave Liezle scarves and Liezle gave me wrist warmers and Cindy leg warmers. |
Santa coffee from Paris Baguette. Usually the cardboard warmer thing is like a striped French shirt. They also had festive lollipops and cakes. I didn't take pictures of those. |
I bought a small stocking at the dollar store to add to my card wall. My boss gave Caroline and I each 50,000 won for Christmas. It was totally unexpected, but appreciated. |
Christmas tree and midget Santa inside MBC movie theater. |
Tree and snowflakes outside MBC theater. We met up to see Mission Impossible 4. It was pretty good. |
Next post: Christmas cards from my kids and Christmas Eve.
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