Thursday, January 19, 2012


I've mentioned some of these before, but I have 4 New Year's resolutions.

1 - floss. This was one from last year, which I am proud to say I've kept up with. Flossing is a pain in the keister,
but those new little floss sticks have made this resolution possible.

2 - more posts. This was one I know I talked about before. This post is an example of me trying to keep this one. We'll see how long it lasts. Probably until the new season of shows starts to come out and I am no longer bored on Tuesday evenings.

3 - read the bible in 180 days. My friend Ilani joined a website last year called "read the bible in 90 days". It gives you a reading plan, and the founder of the site checks in with you to monitor your progress. Two other people from the church did it with her and they all enjoyed it. This year, she decided to create her own website called "read the bible in 180 days". She got help from the people who did it in 90, created a reading plan, and does daily updates and weekly check-ins. I have never read the Bible cover to cover and thought it was about time I should. So I'm in my second (possibly 3rd depending on when I actually post this) week of reading. So far I've kept to the schedule (about 30 minutes of reading a night), but the stories are pretty interesting. There is a lot of incest up the Bible, among other things. Our pastor is also available for questions. I'm really going to try this one and as I have 2 people who I'm doing this for (besides myself) I think I have a good shot at it.

4 - break 150 in bowling. My high game so far has been 144. I just need to settle down and focus. And maybe get my own ball (just kidding). I should learn how to spin it, but I have a feeling I would injure myself. This is a throw away resolution, so if it happens, great, if not, I still have fun.

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