Friday, January 13, 2012


I have had a horrible cold for the last 3 weeks. It started the day after Christmas and was all about my nose. I have a slight fever one day and then spent the next week and a half within arm's reach of a tissue box. It sucked. It's also really dry in Korea during the winter, so sleeping with your mouth open because you can't breathe through your nose is extra sucky.

Now, it has turned into a cough. I am not sure if this is still the same cold or if it's actually something totally new. It involves lots and lots of coughing, usually with a fair amount of goo. I went to the doctor the other day, who I think thought I was trolling for drugs, who basically told me nothing was wrong with me, but that I needed to drink lots of hot water and not talk. Yea. That wasn't going to work so well with my boss. He gave me 2 days worth of cough medicine which pretty much did nothing. I am still coughing but I think it might be slightly better. I decided to take the weekend off from doing anything to try and recover some. Hopefully this will be gone soon!

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