Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Good, the Better and the possibily mutating

Our boss bought us pizza tonight - that's the good. I didn't take pictures because the 3 Korean teachers were there too and I didn't want to be all weird about it. Oh course both pizzas had corn (duh), and luckily neither had fish or shrimp or other sea creatures. The one I ate had potato wedges on it, and mustard. Yes, yellow mustard on top of the potatoes on the pizza. It actually wasn't bad - it was almost like a hot dog and fries, but on a pizza. Sort of like a pizza you could get at Taco Town (still one of my favorite SNL skits).

Here's the better - conversation with my 104 class (3 students). We were supposed to talk about marketing, but instead they asked me how to pronounce brand names in English and if certain things were popular and what they cost etc. One kid wanted me to ask my mom to bring him stuff and he would pay me - I said I would not be his dealer. Then they asked what kinds/brands of clothes were popular. I said I don't know, you should ask my sister. Here's the good part:
Ian - How old is your sister?
Me - 24
Jisu - How old are you?
Me- 31
3 kids - what?
Ian - You look 20
Me- Sweet. Thanks.
Ian - Do you know how old Claire is?
Jisu - I think she's 24.
Me- She is.
Ian - She looks older than you.

Yay pasty white teenage acting skin!

Today it rained. Lots of kids freaked out because there were reports that it could possibly contain radiation from Japan. There were other reports that said no, it didn't. I used an umbrella, but if I start to grow an extra arm or something, I know why. Although I'd prefer to get cool superpowers like the X-men.

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