Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm glad some things are in English, or, how I almost ate packaging material

I decided to make the rest of my salad stuff and noodles tonight. I cooked the noodles in water with some chili sauce added. I added a little soy sauce later. I think they turned out ok. When I dumped the noodles out of the package, a little packet fell out too. It looked like the "flavor" (read: salt) packet from ramen noodles, so I was about to tear it open and dump it in the boiling water when I flipped it over and say "Do Not Eat" amongst Korean letters. So, I didn't poison myself - yay!

Today was the day I gave my first real test (I had previously graded some oral presentations and speaking tests, as well as essays for other classes). I don't know how I feel about the results. I guess I will keep monitoring them, and myself, to see how I'm doing as a teacher.

I didn't really go anywhere today because I've got a bit of a cold so I slept all morning and then it rained tonight. So here's a picture of the view at night from my window. The sauna is apparently kind of like a steam room, shower, bath, sauna combo and the ladies go around totally nakie. So it's like a spa but without the services like massages etc. There is supposed to be a really nice one in Jinju, but this one's not it.

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