Monday, March 28, 2011


There are apparently 2 or 3 universities around where I live. One is a fairly small one, between my house and downtown. There is another one which I have never seen (or maybe there really isn't a 3rd one) and the last one is called GNU or something beginning with G National University. There are a bunch of bars near GNU, but I don't know how to tell a cab driver how to get there yet. And there are apparently multiple entrances and I can't say the difference between those either.

So today, Leizle and I decided to try and find a bus to GNU. We did - yay! The bad part is that it takes like 30 minutes to get there. The good part is that I should be able to recognize the stop even at night because there are 2 landmarks for me - a bridge that had these weird bikes on it, and these huge triangles at the main gate of the university. So, as long as I meet people before 11 pm when the bus stops running, I should be able to find my way around there.

We also walked around the campus and saw some people dancing - I think it might be cheerleading practice, or at least that's what it looked like. There was something called "English Village" but we never saw that (or at least didn't know it was the English Village when we were in it). There is also a law school there, which I might look at another time to see if they have some type of international program, but that would require me to be really motivated.

On our way back, I saw a store that sold clothes for dogs. It didn't appear to sell anything else and the picture above the door was a terrier in a bow tie. I would have taken a picture, but the battery on my camera was dead. So that was today's adventure in riding the bus.

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